Prevention of prostatitis

Prevention of prostatitis in men — need to date as 30 to 50% of men suffer from this disease.

General preventive measures in this case are divided into:

  • primary, aims to prevent the occurrence of prostatitis;
  • the secondary is designed for those who have identified this disease, and to whom you want to prevent its transition into the chronic stage.
man doing exercise on the floor

Primary prevention of prostatitis

Prostatitis often provoke stagnation the processes that occur in the prostate gland. It is not sufficiently well washed by the blood by itself, and so poorly supplied with oxygen. This leads to a deterioration of the prostate. So men who have a large amount of time sitting at risk. For prevention of prostatitis should exercise. They encourage blood flow, which leads to improved muscle tone gland, normalization of the secretory activity.

The most simple exercise that you can do to prevent prostatitis is to reduce the muscles of the anus. To better understand what kind of muscle is it must urination to delay the stream. It will cause tension in certain muscle groups. It should be regularly strain to increase blood flow to the gland.

For starters, you can try making 10 consecutive cuts. It is only at first glance seems simple. From the fact that the muscles are not trained, you may experience discomfort. You need to make a rule and make a day, 5 times for 30 reductions, for example, during washing, on the way home or to work. When exercises cease to cause discomfort, it is possible for one approach to fulfill up to 100 cuts.

This is just one of the exercises that have to do with the purpose of prevention of prostatitis in men. Suggested his doctor Kegel. In addition, there are many other exercises that promote blood flow to the organ.

For example, for the prevention of prostatitis, you can:

  • jumping;
  • squats;
  • wide leg swings;
  • "birch";
  • "Bicycle".

Exercises can be supplemented with walks. And this should be done more often. Men make trips on foot are unlikely to suffer from prostatitis. Minimum "distance" that needs to be held for prevention of prostatitis — 4 km a day.

The Supplement exercise?


Primary prevention of prostatitis in men provides other treatments, such as douches, aimed at the crotch area. This procedure well increases the blood flow in the gland. It is very simple. In the crotch directs the flow of water from the shower and periodically changes its temperature: 30 seconds — warm, almost hot water, 15 seconds to cool at room temperature. The procedure should not take more than 5 minutes. Its better to do before bedtime.

Prostate massage

Very useful for prevention of prostatitis in men will massage the perineum. Make it better lying down. You need to find a small area between the anus and scrotum (closer to anus). Beneath the scrotum is the pelvic bone. In the area where it ends and you have to work, but not excessive. Massage should be done 4-5 minutes, preferably in the evening after a contrast shower before bed. These procedures give a good blood flow to the prostate. And if you do them constantly, prostatitis can be avoided.

Constant sex life

An important role for men's health, and thus for the prevention of prostatitis, having sex. The frequency and nature of sexual life affect the state of the prostate directly. But to go to extremes is not: casual sex will become an additional source of infection. Negatively on the health of the prostate gland is affected long abstinence, deliberate delays in or interruption of the act. Therefore, the ideal for the prevention of prostatitis in men is a measured regular sex with a regular partner.

Proper nutrition

Reduces the likelihood of disease prostatitis, and healthy eating. If you avoid excessive calorie and spicy foods, to diversify the diet, the disease will have more "loopholes" in order to enter the body. Menu every man should be vegetables, fruits, pumpkin seeds, seafood, garlic, walnuts. The use of alcoholic beverages (beer in particular) should be kept to a minimum. Not recommended and excessive coffee. Among other things, need to avoid hypothermia. Men should not swim in cold water or sit on the cold surface.

Secondary prevention of prostatitis

But if the disease still could not be avoided, then after recovery you need to think about secondary prevention of prostatitis. It includes the following activities:

  1. Medication;
  2. Regular visits to the doctor-urologist regardless of whether there are clinical symptoms or not;
  3. Regular inspection 1 every 3 months (recommended in the first year after it was conducted comprehensive treatment). In the next 3 years to visit a urologist should be 1 every six months;
  4. After 40 years of man should be required to do an ultrasound of the prostate.

Prevention of chronic prostatitis any medication is prescribed only by a doctor. Their reception should be done regularly. For prevention of prostatitis prescribe medicines that affect metabolism in the prostate gland and correctors of urodynamics. In inflammatory etiology of the disease is established anti-inflammatory drugs, which selectively aimed at improving the state of the prostate. The intake of antiviral medications prevents prostatitis infectious nature. If the medical history of prostatitis bacterial nature the patient is shown to be antimicrobials. For prevention of prostatitis are appointed and dietary Supplements. They stimulate blood flow to the prostate gland, preventing inflammation.

Special line to distinguish a prostate massage. It is not only treatment method, but a method of preventing prostatitis. In its essence massage is a mechanical effect, very similar with palpation of the prostate in the diagnosis. During the massage, there is irritation of the nerves and vasodilation. This leads to improved blood circulation on the more intensive inflow of nutrients and oxygen. The end result will be the acceleration of the recovery. Massage course includes 8 to 10 procedures. They are held through the day. As a rule, after the 5 session positive results. Again the course is conducted approximately 3 weeks after the first. It is needed in order to secure the result.

And another important point: prostatitis is one of the most insidious and common diseases in men, and older and middle age categories. Therefore, preventive measures for prevention of the disease do not need to procrastinate. This refers especially to those men who lead a sedentary lifestyle, prone to stress and hypothermia.