Treatment of prostatitis at home

Different means for each person can be both effective and not useful. Hello experts agree in opinion that in the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies can be very productive. Furthermore, home therapy is included in a comprehensive approach in solving the prostate problems. Restoration men's health contribute recipes, time-tested.

What is prostatitis

The prostate gland is an important organ of men, size and form resembles the nut of the chestnut. Through its activities, produces a liquid which gives the sperm the opportunity to eat and move to achieve its goal – the egg. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, it is caused by different factors. In most cases, the cause of development of this disease become infection.

There are several varieties of prostatitis, some are of infectious nature, while others are caused by bacterial activity. In any case, treatment is by antibiotics, and folk remedies are a must-have addition to basic therapy.

Home treatment will be more effective if it is combined with classical therapy prescribed by your doctor.

Treatment of folk remedies

Therapy home remedies acute and chronic prostatitis possible. The most popular recipes and recommendations in this direction include physical activity and use of useful for male power products.

  1. Exercise

  2. In the treatment of prostatitis important area of phenomena is systematic physical exercise. Classes play a significant role in the way and recovery, along with proper diet and other treatments. The benefit of physical activity due to their effect on the blood circulation of the whole body, especially in the pelvic area. Therapeutic classes benefit:

    • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
    • Improve the functioning of the nervous system;
    • Reduce the intensity of inflammation;
    • Improve body tone.

    The complex of exercises for prevention prostatitis

    For best results, developed a special set of exercises with a description. Most useful for very simple classes: Jogging, crunches, walking, and squats.

    It is important to carry out a set consistently and regularly. The most effective exercises to eliminate stagnation in the pelvic area, which can be easily performed in the home, the following:

    1. Breathing exercises. Deep breath to the stomach had gone forward, then exhale with force, the abdomen is retracted. 5-10 repetitions in standing, sitting and lying down.
    2. Involvement of the rectum, to stay in this state for 10 seconds. Yes, running 20 times.
    3. Jumping. Just training to make around 100 jumps, until you feel fatigue in the legs.
    4. Standing on one leg, the other to lift and swing her in different directions. Then to change the pace, each to perform at least 50 swings.
    5. Great app to get rid of the hell of prostate problems – direct twine. Spread your legs to the side, yet feel the tension, but do not overdo it.
    6. Sitting on the floor, legs extended, to move back and forth on the buttocks. To make 50 of these steps.
    7. To make at least 100 turns to the side of the SP standing, feet on width of shoulders, and tilts to the side, back and forth.
    8. Lying on his stomach, put a small ball and roll in his belly for at least 5 minutes, this is a great massage for the internal organs.
    9. Sitting on the floor with straight legs, take a ride get Yes socks. If it turns, then hold the ends with your hands, pausing for 3-4 seconds. Repeat 20 times.

    These simple exercises are used for the prevention of prostatitis.

  3. Pumpkin seeds in the treatment of prostatitis

  4. The most popular product for the treatment of prostatitis folk remedies phenomenon is a pumpkin. About the amazing properties of Semak legends, they are still in ancient times was used for the treatment of male diseases. It's their unique composition, the list of good qualities of pumpkin seeds includes solving problems with the prostate.

    Pumpkin seeds for prostatitis

    Compared to other useful products (e.g., source of zinc can be oysters), seeds available to everyone. Enough with the phenomenon Alan the first signs of prostatitis z Adazi to 30 seeds a day. They are useful for the treatment launched chronic prostatitis. Used in the prevention of prostate diseases.

    Pumpkin seeds is not the only means of prostatitis can be treated with the help of honey balls or pumpkin seed oil.

    A sweet delicacy prepared at home easy, kg seed skip in a meat grinder and mix with a glass of honey. From masses of formed balls about the size of a walnut, which are stored in the refrigerator. Before meals times a day ate Adecco 1-2 balls, they need to chew. Important: the seeds must be fresh, clean peel.

    Pumpkin seed oil is obtained by cold pressing. It should be taken three times a day for 1 teaspoon, or add to salads. For heat treatment, it is not suitable, high temperatures kill most of the nutrients. With pumpkin butter you can do microclysters, compresses with cotton balls, the course is 10 procedures. For treatment will need 0, 5 L.

  5. Mummy and prostatitis

  6. When deciding how to cure prostatitis, you can't get around the sides of this unique tool as a mummy.

    Shilajit is used in the following recipes:

    1. With carrot juice. This tool helps to eliminate the main symptoms of inflammation in a relatively short period of time, for reviews, in the first ten Zen treatment need to drink twice a day half an hour after eating a Cup of fresh juice with dissolved was 200 ml 0. 2 g mummy. Dalia for 20 Zen number Shilajit increases half – glass of juice of 0.4 g of product.
    2. Make the tool with juice of sea buckthorn. Preparing a composition similar to carrot juice. Taken before bedtime and before skin meal of the day for half an hour. Glass of juice is dissolved 0.3 g of Shilajit.
    3. Honey-yolk mixture is made from 1 yolk, 0, 2 g mummy, a tablespoon of liquid honey and a couple drops of sea buckthorn oil. Each time you must do the composition again, he is not saved. Applied on an empty stomach 3 times daily and at bedtime.
  7. Garlic vs prostatitis

  8. This spicy and aromatic seasoning is used in the treatment of many diseases, it promotes the dilation of blood vessels can reduce tumor development, occupies an important place garlic in the treatment and maintenance of male potency. It should certainly add to the diet for prevention of prostatitis, it is enough to Abed ate to eat 2-3 cloves with a hot dish. If confused by the smell of garlic, it's easy to neutralize with lemon.

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    For the purpose of treating the following compounds:

    1. 4 large cloves of garlic crushed and steamed 3 cups boiling water. Leave the mixture overnight. In the morning on an empty stomach should drink - glasses, a similar procedure is performed in the evening before bed. Infusions are made throughout the month.
    2. Useful milk with the garlic, the broth is made W Cup hot liquid and tablespoon crushed hot spices should be boiled composition within minutes after a little to insist, strain and drink throughout the day eating 2 tbsp.
    3. Alcohol tincture well relieves inflammation. It is prepared from 400 g of fresh product and 0, 5 liters of alcohol, infuse the mixture in a dark place. Take 20 drops each day, morning and evening.
    4. Vitamin composition with 0.5 liter of honey, lemon and garlic in equal proportions, are crushed in a meat grinder and mixed. Then infused for 7 Zen. To apply the weight you need, three times a day Yes eating 2-3 teaspoon.
    5. To kill germs and bacteria use garlic juice. It is pressed from the 20 large cloves and mix with sugar, 20 teaspoons. For dissolving, the mixture is poured water and warms up, you need to bring da boiling. After insisting it should be filtered and used 4 times a day a tablespoon.

    According to experts, the role of garlic in the treatment of prostate proven, but it is not so simple. Its properties help to relieve inflammation, improve blood circulation. But if the disease is caused by a stone, ad garlic would not be good.

  9. Bee products and balms

  10. Honey is one of the most powerful remedies for prostatitis, it can be used in pure form or making out a candle. Used to treat and pollen, use it on an empty stomach a tablespoon three times a day. In addition to anti-inflammatory action it has an effect on the entire body, saturating it with nutrients.

    Effective treatment of bee Pomor, it is made with 0, 5 liters of cold water. The mixture is heated on low heat to simmer for 2 hours. The decoction to drink a tablespoon three times a day, it is possible to combine the use of honey. Stored the received tool in the refrigerator.

    Antibacterial properties and propolis. Based on it is the alcoholic tincture, 40 drops which is dissolved in 0.5 cups of water. To drink before meals, the length of treatment – 45 Zen.

    Propolis is possible to prepare candles is the perfect remedy for hemorrhoids. 40 g of propolis dissolved in a glass of pure alcohol and evaporated and the extract. Then 0,1 g of product is mixed with 2 g of cocoa butter, this composition is rolled candle, it should be inserted into the rectum before bed. The course is 30 Zen to repeat it after 4-6 weeks interval.

    Honey and rye flour are prepared rectal suppositories, 3 tablespoons, mix with honey and egg, forming dough. Candles are not thicker than 1 cm, they are inserted in the morning and evening after a bowel movement. Course – 1 month, he repeated in a week if necessary.

    On the basis of bee products and Altai Shilajit was released balms

  11. Dietary supplements for the prevention of prostatitis

Among dietary supplements, we can distinguish two main types:

  1. Berry extract saw Palmetto
  2. Saw palmetto berries provide normal functioning of the prostate, and also:

    • has a positive effect on the prostate gland;
    • beneficial effect on urinary system.
    • prevention and treatment of impotence;
    • has a beneficial effect on the urinary system.
  3. Other additives, based on extact saw Palmetto berries, with the content of useful micronutrients for men

About the causes of prostatitis

Before addressing the question of how to treat prostate disease, you need to understand the causes of their phenomena phenomena. If the cause of the disease become infection, the main factor for the phenomenon of the phenomenon becomes the stagnation of blood in the pelvic area.

This phenomenon is Java provoke:

  • Bad habits;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • A sedentary way of life;
  • Lack of physical activity;
  • Constant stress;
  • Low immunity;
  • Hypothermia.

The infectious nature of the disease is characterized by the penetration into the prostate infection from the bladder, rectum, the cardiovascular or lymphatic system.

Change the way of life

Since the main reasons that cause the development of diseases of the prostate, the phenomenon is malnutrition and bad habits, the first step on the way and a healthy life is to change your lifestyle. When phenomena Alen the first signs of prostatitis and after treatment, you should follow certain rules in the diet. As is often assigned a special therapeutic diet that includes the following principles.

The failure of ad products with a high extract, it is spirits with ethyl alcohol in the composition, spicy and salty, smoked and canned products, sausages, pickles, sodas, fast food and snacks, sauces production. These products irritate mucous membranes, they are poorly digested and lead accumulation in the body fluids and salts. This provokes the phenomenon of edema, constipation and stagnation of urine, which complicates the treatment of prostatitis.

Diet should contain foods rich in vitamins and minerals. It's the fresh vegetables and fruits as possible without subjecting them to heat treatment, which destroys the useful chemical elements and reduces their nutritional value. It is important to ensure intake of vitamin C, which is contained in large amounts in berries of wild rose, citrus, gooseberries, black currants.

The menu should be a hedgehog with fat-soluble vitamins A and E, which are rich in vegetable oil and fish, b vitamins, high content in cereals, bread from wheat flour. In inflammatory processes the body needs iron and zinc, which are directly involved in the organization of the sexual organs. They are rich in animal meat, nuts, seafood and celery.

An important decision during exacerbation of prostatitis – refusal hell Smoking. You must understand how nicotine affects the body, it promotes decreased production of the male hormone – testosterone impairs prostate function, reduces venous outflow in the pelvic organs. This provokes the development of diseases, including prostatitis. Research scientists proved that Smoking increases the risk of diseases in men after 35 years.

To live a full life with prostatitis can be, it is not a sentence. It is important to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, give up bad habits and limit the effects of stress. But proper prevention will significantly reduce the risk of the phenomenon of the emergence of the disease.